New Year Resolution – Exercise
It’s that time again: the beginning of a new year – the best time to make new-year resolutions that impact our lives. Top on my list is regular exercise. It may sound trivial, but I can’t even remember the last time I exercised. As I learned more about the benefits of regular exercise, I realized […]
A Taste of Japan
I just came back from my first visit to Japan. To me, there is no better place to showcase the fusion of east and west, traditional values and modern sensations than Japan. Few people today are not affected in some way by the ideas, culture or economy of Japan. We visited Japan’s modern capital Tokyo, […]
New Family Member – Dundun
A friend of my husband has decided to go back to China to pursue his next adventure, leaving behind a 4-year old female cat named Dundun. When Dundun was brought to our house last Thursday, she seemed quite comfortable and started exploring our house immediately. It wasn’t until our friend was about to leave, […]
For those of us who have been far away from home for so long, it’s hard not to be sentimental at times. As emotional as I am, a small trigger can bring me into tears in seconds =) When my feelings of nostalgia get the better of me, I will immerse myself in nostalgic music […]
为什么叫自己小恐龙呢?其实呀,小恐龙是指我们公寓池塘里那一群小鸭子们。这是我和Gary给它们昵称。从今年三,四月份起,院儿里的公鸭子就开始和母鸭子频频“约会”: 时常看见一对对异性鸭子在草地上散步,追逐。不久,我们就发现池塘里多了六,七只小小的,毛茸茸的小鸭子。它们象一个小纵队似的紧紧跟在鸭妈妈的身后。鸭妈妈也非常尽心地保护着小鸭子们。开始我们有点儿奇怪:鸭爸爸呢? 翻翻书才知道鸭爸爸通常在鸭妈妈生小鸭子时就把她“抛弃”了,怪不得只有鸭妈妈带着小鸭子们,这原来是鸭子界的自然规律!不太公平哟。
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